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Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2 Game Free Download | Best Gaming House

Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2 Game

Game Overview:

Need for Speed ​​Hot Pursuit 2 is developed for Microsoft Windows under the EA Seattle banner. It was released on October 21, 2002, and the game was published by Electronic Arts. The game serves as the debut of the popular Need for Speed ​​series for the sixth generation of consoles. Also, this is the sixth installment of the popular series. The game emphasizes police chases and long shortcuts. The original game mode is that you will be playing as a runaway racer and the police will be chasing you. There is also an additional mode where you can play as a police officer. Which will catch illegal racers. To do this you have to drive your police car to the racer and it will disable that racer. Also during the chase, you should turn on the siren and lights.

Screen Shots

Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2 Game

Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2 Game

System Requirements:

OS: Windows 7 (64-bit) /8/10

CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8 GHz


Hard Disk:  8 GB

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