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Delta Force Xtreme 2 Free Download | Best Gaming House

Delta Force Xtreme 2 Game

Game Overview:

Delta Force Extreme 2 is an action-packed video game that takes you on an epic journey as a skilled soldier released in 2009. You become a member of a highly trained group of Delta Force. As a player tasked with completing dangerous missions for soldiers, you will engage in covert operations, eliminate enemies, and navigate challenging terrain giving you access to a wide range of weapons and equipment. And will choose your approach and strategy based on the situation. Delta Force Extreme 2's graphics and sound effects enhance the immersive experience, making you feel like you're right in the middle of the action. Create dynamic backgrounds.
Screen Shots

Delta Force Xtreme 2 Game

Delta Force Xtreme 2 Game

System Requirements:
  • OS: Windows 7/8/8.1

  • CPU: Pentium 4  2.4 GHz 

  • RAM: 1 GB

  • Hard Disk:  8 GB

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Author: admin
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